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与绿石介绍 [2022-11-10]



Green Stone Coffee @greenstoneroaster has been roasting highly rated coffees for both retail and wholesale markets since owner Kelly Wang started the company in 2016. While their current market is primarily online, they hope to open their own coffee shop in the future.

Their coffees have earned four Coffee Review scores of 95, with their 2017 Gotiti Washed ranked number 23 in Coffee Review’s Top 30. Jlove99, a dark roast, is a best seller at their online store and through their international Facebook group.

Green Stone is committed to sustainable development goals, and their water circulation system reduces emissions during roasting—a system that they sell to other roasters. They encourage local customers to reduce waste by bringing their own bags.

Not limited to roasting, Green Stone offers training programs for people with or without roasting experience. Wang is the primary instructor who teaches roasting and sensory courses as well as coffee startup and management courses. Robert Huang, their head brewing coach teaches brewing competition. Students at Green Stone are also trained as assistant instructors who can teach customers how to make a better brew at home.

1. Kelly Wang, owner, roaster, instructor
2. Kim (third from left) and Jason (far left) of Coffee Review meet with the Green Stone team in Taipei
3-4. Green Stone Coffee
5. Green Stone Academy
6-7. Green Stone Coffee students and guest roasters


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自 2016 年Kelly Wang 创办公司以来,Green Stone Coffee 绿石咖啡@greenstoneroaster 一直在为零售和批发市场烘焙评价很高的咖啡。虽然他们目前的市场主要是线上市场,但他们希望在未来开设自己的直营咖啡店, 成为


他们过往的咖啡在CR获得了四项 95 分的 Coffee Review 评分,2017 年 Gotiti Washed 在 Coffee Review 的前 30 名中排名第 23 位。 Jlove99 是一种深烘焙咖啡,在他们的在线商店和国际 Facebook 群组中是最畅销的。

Green Stone 致力於实现可持续发展目标,他们的水循环系统减少了烘焙过程中的排放—这是他们出售给其他烘焙商的系统。他们鼓励当地顾客通过自带袋子来减少浪费。

不仅限於烘焙,Green Stone 为有或没有烘焙经验的人提供培训计划。 Wang 是教授烘焙和感官课程以及咖啡创业和管理课程的主要讲师。他们的首席冲煮教练 Robert Huang 教授学生冲煮比赛。 Green Stone 的学生还接受过助理讲师培训,可以教客户如何在家冲煮出更好的咖啡。

1. Kelly Wang,创办者,烘焙师,专业咖啡讲师
2. Coffee Review的Kim(左三)和Jason(最左)在台北与绿石团队会面
5. 绿石咖啡风味学院